In the field of renewable energy, the company REOL SAS is undertaking an industrial project based on the manufacturing of patented wind turbines with revolutionary performance. The rotor has demonstrated an impressive electricity production capacity in wind tunnel testing, three times higher than existing wind turbines. By combining its ability to start without assistance in very low wind, the annual electricity production capacity compared to a conventional wind turbine can be multiplied by a factor of 2.5 to 7 times, depending on the sites.
Moreover, its mastery of air flows reduces the effects of turbulence at the rear of the wind turbine and allows for a densification of wind farms.
New prospects for the wind energy market
While the development of wind farms is sometimes hindered by various and legitimate constraints, REOL’s patented rotor tends to reduce the impact of wind turbines on the environment: thanks to the smaller size of the blades and a slower rotation speed, noise and aesthetic nuisance, air turbulence and the risk of collisions with birds are greatly reduced. In addition to these significant improvements in wind turbine technology, REOL offers new perspectives for the wind turbine market and for electricity production as a whole. Its rotor technology, its control of air flows and its ability to withstand very strong winds make electricity production more profitable and considerably broadens the areas of use: for example, it is possible to place wind farms in areas at risk from cyclones or on floating offshore platforms.
This production of abundant and profitable electricity offers new prospects for the development of renewable energies such as the mass production of clean and economical dihydrogen. It is also conducive to the development of new electricity storage solutions such as the Flux battery, the creation of synthesis gas and many others.
Thanks to REOL, the whole sector could find a second wind.